Fortunes Of Treasures - ( Cardinal )

Fortunes of Treasure - ( Cardinal ) ( Red Deck No. 1 )

The Cardinal's Crimson Heart

The Cardinal, a creature of legend, a beacon of power and compassion in a world teetering on the brink of chaos, was a figure shrouded in an aura of darkness and divinity. His fiery red coat, a gift from the celestial realm, shimmered like molten gold in the sunlight, a symbol of his passionate nature and the burning heart that fueled his every action.

His physical form was a marvel of nature. A towering figure of grace and strength, his eyes, the color of smoldering embers, held a depth that seemed to peer into the very soul of those who gazed upon him. His movements were fluid and deliberate, each step a silent affirmation of his authority.

As a leader, the Cardinal possessed a unique blend of wisdom and courage. His mind was a labyrinth of knowledge, filled with the secrets of the universe. Yet, his heart was as open as the sky, filled with compassion for all creatures, great and small. He was a guiding light in a world shrouded in darkness, a beacon of hope in a sea of despair.

His connection to fire was a gift from the gods, a reflection of his own inner passion, a burning desire to protect and defend. He could control the element with a mere thought, summoning flames that danced at his command. He was a force of nature, a living embodiment of the element he controlled.

The Cardinal was a complex character, a being of contradictions. He was both hero and flawed Treasure. His strength and determination made him a formidable opponent, but his passion and intensity could also be his downfall. He was a creature of fire and ice, capable of both great acts of heroism and moments of self-doubt.

A Tapestry of Destiny

The Cardinal's origins were shrouded in the mists of time, a legend whispered in hushed tones beneath the whispering pines of the Earth Realm. Born in a remote village nestled amidst towering mountains, he was a child of extraordinary potential, his destiny intertwined with the cosmic forces that wove the Tapestry of Creation.

Even as a youth, the Cardinal displayed an uncanny affinity for fire, its elemental energy resonating within him like a heartbeat. This connection was more than physical; it was spiritual, a reflection of his passionate and determined nature. His parents, recognizing his extraordinary gifts, guided him towards a path of education and enlightenment, hoping to nurture his potential.

The Cardinal's journey led him to the ancient religious school, a sanctuary nestled within the heart of a sacred forest. There, he immersed himself in the study of the Tapestry, unraveling its intricate patterns and comprehending its cosmic order. Like a sponge, he absorbed knowledge, his mind a vast repository of wisdom and understanding.

It was during his time at the school that the Cardinal's true potential began to manifest. He discovered a deep connection to the spirit realm, a gift that allowed him to perceive the unseen forces that shaped the world.

This ability, coupled with his natural intelligence and compassion, made him an ideal candidate for a leadership role.

The Cardinal rose through the ranks of the school, his wisdom and guidance earning him the respect and admiration of his peers. Eventually, he was chosen to become the leader of the school, a position of great responsibility and power.

As the leader of the school, the Cardinal dedicated himself to educating the next generation, instilling in them a love of learning and a respect for the natural world. He taught them about the Tapestry, the cosmic forces that shaped the universe, and the importance of preserving its delicate balance.

The Cardinal's life was not without its challenges. He faced threats from both within and outside the Tapestry, his leadership tested by adversity.

Yet, through it all, he remained steadfast in his commitment to protecting the Tapestry and its inhabitants. His journey was a tapestry in itself, woven with threads of triumph and adversity, hope and despair. But it was a journey that would ultimately shape the destiny of the Tapestry and all who lived within it.

One day, as the Cardinal was meditating beneath the ancient oak tree in the school's courtyard, a shimmering orb descended from the heavens. It hovered above him, pulsating with an ethereal light. As the Cardinal reached out to touch it, he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins. The orb dissolved into a cloud of shimmering dust, leaving behind a mystical artifact that would become his most prized possession - The Celestial Compass.

The Cardinal's Mansion

The Cardinal's Medieval Stone Mansion stood as a sentinel, guarding the secrets of centuries past. Nestled amidst the rolling hills and ancient forests of Willow Creek, it was a testament to the enduring power of faith and the grandeur of the human spirit.

The mansion was situated on a hilltop, overlooking a picturesque valley. To the east, a majestic mountain range rose into the heavens, its peaks shrouded in mist. To the west, a shimmering lake stretched out as far as the eye could see, reflecting the golden rays of the setting sun.

The surrounding countryside was a tapestry of green, with fields of wildflowers, dense forests, and meandering streams. The air was filled with the sweet scent of pine needles and the gentle rustling of leaves.

From the mansion's windows, the Cardinal could enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. On a clear day, he could even see the distant spires of the neighboring city. The serenity of the setting was a stark contrast to the turmoil and chaos of the world beyond.

A Gothic Haven

The Cardinal's mansion was a stunning example of Gothic architecture, a style characterized by its soaring spires, pointed arches, and intricate tracery. The exterior was a masterpiece of design, with every element carefully crafted to create a sense of awe and wonder.

The façade was dominated by a central tower, its spire reaching towards the heavens. Flanking the tower were two smaller towers, connected to the main building by flying buttresses, which helped to support the weight of the roof and walls. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings, depicting religious scenes, mythical creatures, and heraldic symbols. Gargoyles, grotesque figures perched atop the walls, were believed to ward off evil spirits.

The entrance to the mansion was framed by a large, pointed archway, adorned with intricate tracery. Above the doorway was a stained glass window, depicting a scene from the Bible. The windows throughout the mansion were large and often filled with colorful stained glass, creating a dazzling display of light and color.

Dark Elegance

The interior of the Cardinal's mansion was a labyrinth of winding corridors and grand chambers, each one a testament to the opulence and refinement of the medieval era. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries, depicting religious scenes, historical events, and mythological tales. The floors were covered with rich carpets, their patterns and colors adding to the overall splendor of the space.

The Great Hall was the heart of the mansion, a vast space illuminated by a towering stained glass window that depicted a scene from the Bible.

The walls were lined with tapestries, their vibrant colors and intricate designs creating a stunning visual spectacle. A massive fireplace, adorned with intricate carvings, provided warmth and a cozy ambiance.

The Cardinal's Gothic Sanctum

The Cardinal's private chambers were a reflection of his enigmatic personality, a blend of scholarly pursuits and a touch of the macabre. His study, a haven of intellectual indulgence, was a room steeped in Gothic grandeur. The walls were lined with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, their shelves groaning under the weight of ancient tomes and leather-bound manuscripts.

A large, ornately carved desk dominated the center of the room, its surface littered with papers, maps, and strange-looking instruments. A globe, its surface etched with constellations and celestial bodies, sat prominently on the desk. Nearby, a collection of crystals and stones, each one glowing with a different hue, sparkled in the soft light filtering through the stained glass windows.

The air was thick with the scent of old paper and leather, mingled with the faint aroma of incense. A fireplace, its hearth filled with crackling flames that seemed to dance and shimmer, provided warmth and a cozy ambiance. The flames cast long, dancing shadows across the walls, creating an ever-changing tapestry of light and shadow.

The Cardinal's bedroom was a place of opulent comfort, yet tinged with a hint of darkness. The walls were draped in rich, velvet curtains, their color a deep, inky black. The bed, a massive four-poster affair, was adorned with luxurious linens and a canopy embroidered with intricate patterns.

A large, ornately carved mirror hung above the bed, reflecting the flickering flames of the fireplace. The room was filled with the soft glow of candles, casting dancing shadows that seemed to take on strange, almost living forms.

The Cardinal

The Cardinal was a sight to behold. He was a majestic, fiery bird, its plumage shimmering with hues of gold, red, and orange. His eyes, once a deep brown, now glowed with an intense, fiery light.

The Cardinal's wings were immense, capable of carrying him across vast distances. They were adorned with intricate patterns and symbols, each one representing a different aspect of his power and authority. When he spread his wings, they seemed to engulf him in a halo of light, casting a warm glow on everything around him.

The Cardinal's beak was sharp and powerful, capable of delivering a devastating blow. His talons were like razor blades, able to pierce even the toughest armor. He could fly at incredible speeds, his movements a blur of motion.

In his Treasure form, the Cardinal was a force to be reckoned with. He was a symbol of power, authority, and the unwavering spirit of the Tapestry.

The Cardinal's Quest

The Cardinal, a figure shrouded in an aura of both darkness and divinity, sat in his study, his mind consumed by the enigmatic occurrences plaguing a distant village. A once-thriving community now lay in ruins, its vibrant life replaced by a chilling pallor. The Cardinal, a beacon of hope amidst the despair, felt a deep-seated duty to unravel the mystery and restore the village to its former glory.

His study, a sanctuary of scholarly pursuits, was adorned with ancient artifacts and tapestries woven with celestial symbols. The walls were lined with bookshelves, their weight bearing down on the floorboards. A large window looked out onto a cobblestone courtyard, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun.

As the Cardinal delved into his research, he discovered a peculiar clue: a mystical peacock, a shapeshifting telepath with extraordinary abilities. This creature might hold the key to understanding the village's plight. With renewed determination, the Cardinal set out on a perilous journey to find the elusive peacock.

The journey was arduous, filled with treacherous terrain and unforeseen dangers. But the Cardinal pressed on, driven by a sense of purpose. He traversed dense forests, scaled treacherous mountains, and navigated treacherous waterways. Along the way, he encountered a variety of creatures, some friendly, others hostile.

The Cardinal, a wise and compassionate leader, sought out the few remaining villagers, their spirits broken by the desolation that had enveloped their once-vibrant community. They were mere shells of their former selves, haunted by the memories of lost loved ones and the fear of the unknown.

The Cardinal listened intently to their stories, their voices filled with a mixture of despair and resignation. He learned of the dying crops, the eerie sounds that echoed through the empty streets, and the shadowy figures that had been seen lurking in the darkness.

As he gathered information, the Cardinal began to piece together the puzzle. He realized that the Unraveler's influence was at work, slowly eroding the fabric of reality and turning the once-thriving village into a ghost town. The villagers' experiences were not isolated incidents but rather symptoms of a larger, more sinister force at play.

The Cardinal knew that he would need to act quickly to prevent further devastation. He would have to figure out how to confront the Unraveler and stop its sinister plans before it was too late. With a renewed sense of purpose, the Cardinal set out to find the mystical peacock, hoping that this creature could provide him with the answers he needed to defeat the Unraveler.

The Cardinal's Dimensional Journey

The Cardinal, his resolve hardened by his recent trials, returned to Seraphina, the hidden village where Zephyr resided. He believed that Zephyr, the peacock Treasure, held knowledge about the Unraveler.

Zephyr, his feathers shimmering with iridescent hues, greeted the Cardinal with a haughty air. "You have returned, Treasure," he said, his voice dripping with disdain. "What do you want?"

The Cardinal ignored Zephyr's arrogance. "I need your help," he said. "The Unraveler is a threat to everything we hold dear."

Zephyr scoffed. "And what makes you think I would help you? I have no interest in your petty affairs."

The Cardinal knew he had to convince Zephyr. He explained the danger the Unraveler posed, the devastation he would bring to the Dream Realm. Zephyr listened, his eyes narrowing.

"You are a fool to think you can stop the Unraveler," he said. "He is a force of nature, a power beyond your comprehension."

The Cardinal would not be deterred. "I believe in the power of good," he said. "We can defeat the Unraveler together."

Zephyr's eyes flashed with anger. "You dare to challenge me?" he said.

With a flick of his wrist, Zephyr unleashed a wave of energy, sending the Cardinal flying. The Cardinal struggled to regain his footing, but Zephyr was relentless. He launched another attack, this time a barrage of feathers that seemed to come alive, transforming into razor-sharp blades.

The Cardinal, undeterred, raised his hand and summoned a shield of holy light. The feathers struck the shield, their energy dissipating harmlessly.

With a flick of his wrist, the Cardinal conjured a celestial blade, its blade shimmering with divine energy. He charged at Zephyr, his blade raised high. Zephyr countered with a blast of energy, but the Cardinal's blade sliced through it with ease. The peacock Treasure was forced to retreat, his eyes filled with surprise.

The Cardinal pressed his advantage, his blade a blur of motion. Zephyr dodged the attacks, his movements fluid and graceful. But the Cardinal was relentless, his strikes growing more powerful with each passing moment.

Finally, the Cardinal landed a blow, striking Zephyr squarely in the chest. The peacock Treasure staggered back, his feathers ruffled. He looked at the Cardinal with a mixture of shock and admiration.

"You are a powerful opponent," Zephyr admitted. "I underestimated you."

The Cardinal nodded. "The fate of the Tapestry depends on it," he said. "We must unite to defeat the Unraveler."

Zephyr hesitated, then nodded. "Very well," he said. "I will help you."

"I will give you a vision, but only in my mortal form," he said. "A mortal like me can see the future. A mortal with the same spirit as you will be granted this vision."

The Dimensional Portal

Zephyr, his feathers shimmering with iridescent hues, regarded the Cardinal with a knowing gaze. "The answers you seek lie beyond the Tapestry, in the mortal dimension," he said. "You must go there to find them."

The Cardinal's heart raced. He had never ventured into the mortal dimension before. It was a place of uncertainty and danger, a realm far removed from the familiar tapestry of the Dream Realm.

"How do I get there?" the Cardinal asked.

Zephyr smiled. "I will open a portal for you," he said. "But be warned, the journey will not be easy. The mortal dimension is a dangerous place, filled with creatures that will do anything to survive."

With a flick of his wrist, Zephyr created a shimmering portal. The portal was a tapestry of light and shadow, its colors swirling and dancing like a kaleidoscope. It was as if the very fabric of the Tapestry was being unraveled, its threads twisting and turning into a vortex of shimmering hues.

The colors seemed to be alive with their own energy, pulsating and shimmering with an otherworldly intensity. The edges of the portal were blurred and indistinct, as if they were melting into the surrounding air. It was a sight of breathtaking beauty and power, a testament to Zephyr's mastery of magic.

As the Cardinal stepped through the portal, he felt a surge of energy wash over him. The world around him seemed to dissolve, replaced by a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. He was surrounded by a swirling vortex of light as if he were being pulled into another dimension.

When the Cardinal emerged from the portal, he found himself in a strange and unfamiliar world. The air was thick with the scent of smoke and decay. The buildings were old and crumbling, their windows dark and empty.

The Fiery Professor

In his human form, the Cardinal was a young, handsome man with chiseled features that seemed to be sculpted by the gods themselves. His piercing blue eyes, filled with wisdom and compassion, could pierce through any disguise. His charismatic smile, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness, could light up the darkest of souls.

His hair, a fiery red, was styled in a slightly tousled manner, giving him a carefree and youthful appearance that belied his ancient age. He was tall and lean, with a muscular build that suggested a life of physical activity.

His skin was tanned, a testament to his time spent in the Dream Realm, where the sun shone brightly and the air was filled with the scent of wildflowers. His teeth were as white as snow, a testament to his impeccable hygiene and his overall health.

The Cardinal was dressed in a modern, yet refined ensemble. He wore tailored dark jeans and a crisp white shirt with a black leather jacket. His outfit exuded an air of sophistication and understated elegance. Instead of a backpack, he carried a sleek leather briefcase, filled with books and scrolls, a testament to his vast knowledge and his dedication to his mission.

Despite his casual attire, he exuded an air of nobility and refinement. There was something about him that set him apart from the ordinary, a certain aura of power and authority that hinted at his true nature.

In his human form, the Cardinal was a captivating and charismatic figure. He was a man of great intelligence and wisdom, and he was always eager to learn new things. His presence was a comforting balm, a reminder of the divine and the eternal.

Cloaked in the fragile veneer of mortality, the Cardinal walked the earth, a celestial being in exile. His formidable treasure powers, though tempered by his human form, surged with an otherworldly intensity beneath the lunar canopy. When the moon reached its zenith, illuminating the world with its silvery glow, the Cardinal's connection to his celestial heritage deepened. A symbiotic dance ensued, his strength amplified by the treasure's ancient wisdom.

The Celestial Compass

The mystical artifact that descended from the heavens and became the Cardinal's prized possession was a celestial compass, a relic of an ancient civilization that had once thrived in the Tapestry. This compass, unlike any other, was capable of navigating not just the physical world, but also the spiritual and celestial realms.

It was a symbol of the Cardinal's connection to the cosmic forces that shaped the Tapestry, a tangible reminder of his divine heritage. The compass could sense the currents of energy that flowed through the Tapestry, guiding the Cardinal towards places of power and wisdom. It could also detect threats to the Tapestry's balance, alerting the Cardinal to impending danger.

The celestial compass played a crucial role in the Cardinal's adventures. It guided him to hidden realms, revealed ancient secrets, and aided him in his battles against evil forces. It was more than just a tool; it was a symbol of the Cardinal's destiny, a testament to his extraordinary abilities and his unwavering commitment to protecting the Tapestry.

A World Apart

The Cardinal, his celestial powers humming beneath the surface, navigated the bustling metropolis. A stark contrast to the pristine beauty of the Dream Realm, the city was a labyrinth of towering skyscrapers and crowded streets. The air was thick with the smell of smoke and pollution, and the noise was deafening.

Using his celestial compass, an ancient relic, the Cardinal traced Zyphyr's energy signature. As Zyphyr's magical activity intensified, so too did the trace on the compass, guiding the Cardinal ever closer to his quarry. It was as if Zyphyr was leaving a trail of breadcrumbs through the Tapestry, a trail that the Cardinal could follow using his ancient artifact.

The compass led the Cardinal to a small, unassuming tavern tucked away in a side alley. The tavern, a dimly lit place with worn wooden tables and chairs, was a far cry from the celestial realms the Cardinal was accustomed to. As he stepped into the tavern, the Cardinal felt out of place. The air was thick with the smell of ale and tobacco smoke, and the noise of conversation and laughter was overwhelming.

The Cardinal approached the bartender and jokingly asked if he had seen a man with striking features. The bartender envious of his apperance brushed him off. The bartender shook his head. "No one like that has been here," he said.

Just as the Cardinal looked around, he noticed a figure sitting in the corner, shrouded in shadow. The Cardinal could sense a familiar aura. He approached the figure and called out Zyphyr's name. The figure turned, and the Cardinal gasped. It was indeed Zyphyr.

The Fortune Teller

Zephyr's human form was a study of beauty. His tall, lean yet muscular physique suggested strength and agility, while his delicate features and piercing blue eyes hinted at a hidden vulnerability. His brown hair with natural highlights, flowing down his back in loose waves, framed his natural beautiful face and added to his enigmatic aura.

His eyes, a striking shade of sapphire, seemed to hold a depth that belied his youthful appearance as if they could pierce the very soul of those who gazed upon him.

Zephyr was dressed in a bohemian style, wearing a long-sleeved blue linen shirt with beautiful ornate patterns in greens, yellows, and purples. Some of the patterns shimmered and glistened as he shifted. He wore free flowing tan linen pants. He had silver bracelets that were beautiful yet masculine.

Around his neck, he wore a long, silver chain with a pendant shaped like a crescent moon, a symbol of his connection to the celestial realms.

His attire reflected his free-spirited nature, his love for adventure, and his deep connection to the natural world. He was a man who lived life on his own terms, unconstrained by societal expectations.

But it was his smile that truly captivated people. When Zephyr smiled, his eyes crinkled at the corners, and his face lit up with warmth. His smile was infectious, capable of melting the coldest hearts. It was a smile that could make anyone feel instantly at ease like they were in the presence of someone truly special.

The Vision

The air in the bar was thick with the smell of ale and the chatter of a few patrons.

There, in a corner booth, sat a young man who possessed the same spirit as the peacock Treasure. He has, piercing blue eyes. He held the same air of otherworldly elegance. The Cardinal approached the table, his heart pounding in his chest.

Zephyr looked up, his eyes widening in surprise. "You," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of recognition and alarm.

Before the Cardinal could respond, Zephyr's eyes narrowed, and a look of concentration crossed his face. He was using his telepathic powers, scanning the Cardinal's mind, reading his thoughts.

A moment later, Zephyr's expression softened. "I knew you would come," he said. "I saw you in a vision, a vision of the future."

The Cardinal was taken aback. "You saw me coming?" he asked.

Zephyr nodded. "Seconds before you walked through that door, I saw you standing right here, talking to me. It was as if you were a ghost, a phantom from the future."

The Cardinal was impressed. Zephyr's telepathic abilities were far beyond anything he had ever encountered. He knew that he had found the right person to help him in his quest.

Zephyr paused for a moment, his eyes filled with a deep intensity. He reached out with his mind, his telepathic powers rippling through the air. A shimmering orb of stardust began to form before the Cardinal, its light pulsating with a soft, ethereal glow.

The Cardinal, sensing the power emanating from the orb, reached out and touched it. As his fingertips made contact, the orb dissolved into a stream of stardust, enveloping him in a dazzling display of light transforming his consciousness into the vision realm using a special version of his Mirage Creation.

The Cardinal's Vision

As the vision unfolded before him, the Cardinal's eyes widened in horror. He saw a world plunged into darkness, the mortal dimension corrupted beyond repair. The Unraveler, a malevolent force from the Shadow Realm, had succeeded in merging the Dream Realm with the mortal world, unleashing a wave of chaos and destruction upon the universe.

The once vibrant and colorful mortal dimension was now a monochromatic wasteland, devoid of life and hope. The sun had been eclipsed, casting the world in perpetual twilight. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and the land was barren and desolate. Towering, skeletal trees reached towards a sky that was a perpetual twilight gray. The once vibrant cities were now crumbling ruins, their streets littered with the bones of the fallen.

The Cardinal saw the people, once filled with joy and laughter, now walking aimlessly through the ruins of their former lives. Their eyes were hollow, their spirits broken. The Unraveler had stripped them of their hope, their dreams, their very essence.

The vision filled the Cardinal with dread. He realized that the Unraveler was a threat to everything he held dear. He knew he had to help Zephyr, to stop the Unraveler before it was too late.

The Unraveler, a chaotic storm of energy, was the source of this devastation. He had infiltrated the mortal dimension, corrupting it from within. His presence had caused the Dream Tree to wither, its branches bare and its leaves shriveled.

The Unraveler's army was a formidable force, united by a shared hatred of the Dream Realm and a twisted desire for chaos. They were well-organized and disciplined, their ranks structured with a military-like precision.

At the helm of this army were the Nightmare Lords, powerful beings who served as the Unraveler's most trusted lieutenants. Each Nightmare Lord possessed unique abilities, from powerful sorcery to unmatched combat prowess. They were a formidable force, capable of leading their troops into battle with unwavering determination.

Beneath the Nightmare Lords were the Shadow Knights, a fearsome band of warriors who served as the Unraveler's elite fighting force. They were clad in dark armor, their faces obscured by helmets. The Shadow Knights were ruthless and efficient, their loyalty to the Unraveler unquestioning.

Below the Shadow Knights were the lesser creatures of the Unraveler's army. These included grotesque abominations, undead creatures, and corrupted humans. Each creature had their own unique abilities and strengths, making them a formidable force.

The Unraveler's army was a constant threat to the Tapestry, their goal to bring about its downfall. They were driven by a twisted desire for chaos and destruction, and they would stop at nothing to achieve their objectives. The Cardinal knew that defeating them would be no easy task, but he was determined to protect the Dream Realm and the mortal dimension from their clutches.

The Cardinal knew that defeating the Unraveler would be no easy task. But he was determined to protect the mortal dimension and the Dream Realm. He would do whatever it took to stop the Unraveler and his army, to save the Tapestry from destruction.


The Cardinal, a man of deep faith and unwavering conviction, possessed a unique set of powers that reflected his character and his connection to the supernatural.

Holy Light Blast: The Cardinal can emit a blinding wave of holy light that could incapacitate or even destroy his foes.

Divine stardust: The Cardinal can channel divine wrath, summoning bolts of lightning, fiery, or other celestial stardust to smite his enemies.

Spiritual Vision: The Cardinal have a sense of spiritual energy, allowing him to see through illusions, detect hidden dangers, and perceive the true nature of beings and events.

Divine Light: The Cardinal could emit a blinding light that could incapacitate his enemies and protect him from harm.

Sacred Sheild: The Cardinal could generate a powerful sheild that blocks energy attacks.

Healing Abilities: As a man of faith, the Cardinal had a natural affinity for healing. He can use his powers to mend wounds, cure diseases, and even restore life to the dead.

Telekinesis: The Cardinal possessed the ability to move objects with his mind, allowing him to manipulate his surroundings and control the flow of battle.

Astral Projection: The Cardinal could project his astral body into the Dream Realm, allowing him to explore its depths and interact with other beings on a spiritual level.

These powers, combined with his unwavering faith and his deep knowledge of the Dream Realm, made the Cardinal a formidable force against the Unraveler.


Fortunes Of Treasures is a #NFT collective made of spirit animal animated tarot cards.

All Rights Reserved: Los Angeles-based Designer Marquis Love

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Marquis Love
Los Angeles - based Digital Artist & Motion Picture Creative
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