Analytics saas dashboard design for a banking app | Lazarev.

Hey Dribbble community! 

It’s so nice to be back with a new UX design for a Fintech SaaS app. For now, it is a design concept still crafted with users in mind! 

Now, you might be thinking, "Oh, come on, every design team says they prioritize users!" Well, we're not just saying it – we're living it ☝️

When we tackled this banking app design, we drew from our hands-on experience.

Designers haven't forgotten how crucial it is for users to have an intuitive payment analytics dashboard. It's the kind of place they can easily turn to when they need to dive into data, track transactions, or check out billing details.

Missing out on such a straightforward yet often overlooked feature can lead to user frustration – and that's no good, especially when there are alternative apps out there.

📩 Looking for a partner in design, aka a digital product design agency? Contact us at

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