Logistic Dashboard

Project: Enhancing User Experience for Frighttiger's Transportation Management System

In my role as the first full-time design hire at Frighttiger, a prominent player in the logistics industry, I embarked on a journey to revolutionise the user experience of their Transportation Management System. Frighttiger's product was a pivotal tool for logistics managers and operational personnel in manufacturing companies, ensuring seamless and timely transportation of goods. The challenge was to address users' concerns regarding the product's user-friendliness and elevate its design to new heights.

Understanding the Landscape: Frighttiger's Transportation Management System, a linchpin for the transportation of goods, was used by logistics professionals from manufacturing giants. Acknowledging the growing necessity for improved user-friendliness, my mission was to enhance the product's UX to align with modern design standards.

Charting the Course: Upon joining, my initial task was to delve into the existing product design and its perceived shortcomings. I recognised that aesthetics were just one facet of the problem; the underlying functionality and value delivery were of paramount importance.

Unveiling Improvements: I embarked on a two-fold strategy to comprehensively address the UX challenges. Firstly, I immersed myself in the user journey, identifying areas where the UI could be refined for enhanced usability. This initial testing phase revealed several tangible opportunities for improvement.

Collaborating for Insight: Recognising the value of cross-functional collaboration, I engaged with the Customer Success Team to glean insights from their direct interactions with users. Through these discussions, two pivotal pain points emerged:

  1. Information Overload: Users had to track an extensive fleet of vehicles, often reaching hundreds. Prioritising what to focus on amidst this vast volume was a challenge.

  2. Alert Management: Filtering and managing vehicle alerts posed a dilemma when dealing with multiple concurrent alerts with no clear hierarchy of urgency.

Designing with Purpose: Armed with these insights, I embarked on a transformative design journey. The vision was to empower users to make informed decisions and alleviate the burden of sifting through overwhelming alerts. I proposed the introduction of summary tabs, offering users curated views to cater to their specific needs. These tabs were envisioned as a solution to focus attention on critical information, steering clear of information overload.

Iterative Evolution: Collaborating with the team, I presented my initial design for scrutiny and feedback. This marked a crucial juncture where many insights were gathered, serving as a catalyst for design refinement.

User-Centric Validation: With the design in its nascent stage, I conducted user interviews and tests with five customers. This phase aimed to validate the design's efficacy and gather further suggestions for improvement. These interactions provided invaluable insights into the design's practicality and alignment with users' needs.

Key Insights and Refinements:

  1. Personalised Summaries: It became apparent that while summary tabs were beneficial, a preset selection needed to be improved for the diverse user base. A customisable summary tab emerged as a potent solution.

  2. Tailored Data Columns: Users expressed needing a customisable column to incorporate pertinent data, streamlining decision-making.

The Culmination: The final design seamlessly integrated these refinements, offering users a dynamic and personalised experience. The revised approach tackled information overload head-on by providing users customisable summaries tailored to their preferences. Additionally, introducing customisable data columns enhanced the product's adaptability to users' distinct needs.

In retrospect, this project epitomised the power of collaboration, iterative design, and user-centric thinking. It was not merely about enhancing aesthetics but creating a design that resonated with users' daily challenges, thereby fortifying Frighttiger's position as a provider of user-focused logistics solutions.

This project marked my maiden voyage into the logistics domain, and it is with great pride that I reflect on its positive impact on Frighttiger's Transportation Management System. As the first dedicated design resource in the company, this undertaking laid the foundation for a culture of design excellence and user-centred innovation.

Posted on Aug 21, 2023

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