Chat for SaaS Platform

What is the difference between B2C and B2B chats?

Answer: In small details 🥸.

To start working on actual designs, we need to figure out three things:

  1. Why we need chat?

  2. Who will participate and what will be their permissions?

  3. What type of content will users use?

In Qualysight case I had very specific tasks.

Why we need chat?

We need chat for solving issues that may occur while factory workers checking quality of product items.


Solution: Duplicate "Topic" information directly in chat / create two discussion groups: "Solved", "Current".

Who will participate and what will be their permissions?

Everyone can participate, anyone can start discussion. However we need validation from both sides that issue is solved. Also only business owner side can do manipulation with chat management (adding participants, deleting participants)


Solution: Create ability to send request for "Solving" "Deleting" "Adding" for factory workers account. Build one flow of creating new discussion for everyone.

What type of content will users share most? (Descending)

Photos, videos, files, text messaging...etc


Solution: Focus on "Video player", "Gallery". Create simple search by content category and search by "Match", "Date".

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