Brand Personality & Font Suggestion
Vivacious Films Sample Font Suggestion
For a brand, you need a font that suits your design’s style, mood, and readability. Your font should capture the essence and energy of your brand, whether it is classy, lively, or bold. Your font should also be clear and visible from afar and on various backgrounds. These fonts are eye-catching and dazzling, creating a sense of excitement. Fontrust font is a good option for this project, but there are other fonts with a similar style. The client loved this font. But There is catch, For Commercial Use, its better to get a font with a free commercial license for a startup brand as it can reduce the cost unless you are confident in the brand and the asset you are planning to invest in the future.
Fontrust Font by Khurasan
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By Syafrizal a.k.a. Khurasan
License: This font is for personal use only.