Gratitude app

A preview of the Gratitude app

The problem... In this action-packed world, it feels like there's hardly any space left for those genuine, heartfelt connections we all crave. Our schedules are crazy busy, we're bombarded with notifications non-stop, and it seems like we're always juggling a million things at once. All of that can really mess with our ability to truly appreciate and emotionally connect with the people who mean the most to us. And the sad part? Our relationships end up taking a hit, left feeling neglected and unacknowledged, which leaves both sides feeling distant and disconnected.

"On Earth - heartfelt conversations are as endangered

as a snowflake in a heatwave"

And now for the solution... The Gratitude app swoops in as the answer to all that chaos! This app will generate messages of gratitude to selected people with just a tiny bit of input. So when you can't be bothered or when life's throwing a million things at you, your relationships don't take a back seat. There's also a handy scheduling feature that automatically sends the messages for you. No more emotional gaps or upset grandparents because of demanding lives!

A preview of the Gratitude app with annotations

Take this idea, steal it, remix it—do whatever you'd like with it! The intent of this concept is to spark inspiration, to get those creative juices flowing, and to act as a catalyst for something bigger and better!

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