Rebranding - "Eternal Med" Aesthetic medicine center

"Eternal Med" is an aesthetic medicine clinic established in Guatemala City, with a wide range of services aimed at enhancing the beauty and confidence of its clients. Despite its experience and quality services, the clinic was struggling to attract women between the ages of 45 and 54 who wanted to feel more radiant and beautiful. To address this challenge, a comprehensive rebranding process was carried out, which included the revision of the visual identity and the creation of a new brand manual.

The "Eternal Med" clinic had a brand that did not resonate effectively with the target audience of women aged 45-54. Despite offering high-quality beauty treatments, the perception of the brand was outdated and failed to convey the message of rejuvenation and confidence that these women were looking for.

The rebranding process focused on modernizing the "Eternal Med" visual identity to convey a sense of elegance, confidence and vitality. Extensive research was conducted to understand the needs and desires of women ages 45-54 in Guatemala City in relation to aesthetic medicine.

Visual identity:

A new logo was developed that combined elements of vitality and elegance. Soft, warm colors were chosen to convey a feeling of well-being and rejuvenation. The logo design included an abstract icon evoking the idea of constant growth and renewal, in line with the name "Eternal Med".

Visual Elements:

Consistent visual elements were created, such as patterns and graphics inspired by nature and feminine beauty. These elements were used on the website, print materials, and social media.

Brand Message:

A brand message was defined that focused on the empowerment and confidence provided by "Eternal Med" treatments. The emotional and physical benefits of aesthetic procedures were highlighted, and the experience and professionalism of the medical team was highlighted.

Brand Manual:

A comprehensive brand manual was created that established guidelines for the consistent use of visuals, colors, typography, and Social Media. This ensured that the "Eternal Med" brand was presented consistently across all touch points.


After implementing the new brand approach, "Eternal Med" experienced a significant increase in their confidence to achieve the perception and attraction brand power necesary to conect with women in the ages 45-54 in Guatemala City. The New updated visual identity and empowering message resonates with the target audience, generating an increase in demand for their services. The clinic became a trusted and attractive destination for women looking to feel more radiant, beautiful and beautiful.

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