Time to fix our brand!

It's been a year since I moved into an office and officially started the business called 'Blackairplane'. Back when I created the original mark I had just been let go and needed to get something in front of people quickly. This led to mistakes and things that I never had time to fix within the mark. Since it's been a year, I feel like it's time to celebrate where we've come from and where the company is now. The updates to the mark include drastic changes to the way the angles work and how the mark is balanced in general. Coupled with an update to our colors to provide better contrast and a detached propeller to provide scalability this is a huge step forward. I am crazy excited to share this with you and look forward to getting this pushed live across all of our mediums.

Lastly, the attachment shows the marks side by side, as well as the wires.

Blue wire is NEW. Red is OLD.


Looking for something like this? Don't be shy! john@blackairplane.com

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