Fitgyms Logo Project

fitgyms logo

Executive Summary:

DsgnStory undertook a comprehensive rebranding project for FitGyms, an innovative fitness chain. The primary objective was to modernize the brand identity, improve market visibility, and establish a unique brand presence in the competitive fitness industry. By leveraging a custom "G" icon, a bold green and black color palette, and carefully crafted typography, DsgnStory successfully rejuvenated FitGyms' image, attracting a broader audience and enhancing brand recognition.


FitGyms, a well-established fitness chain, had been facing challenges in differentiating itself from competitors in an oversaturated market. The existing branding lacked a distinct identity, and the visual elements did not effectively convey the brand's commitment to modern fitness solutions. FitGyms engaged DsgnStory to create a cohesive brand identity that resonated with its core values while captivating a wider audience.


Modernization: Redesign FitGyms' brand elements to reflect its modern and innovative approach to fitness.

Differentiation: Develop a unique visual identity that stands out in the competitive fitness industry.

Consistency: Create a cohesive branding strategy across all touchpoints to enhance brand recognition.

Versatility: Design a flexible branding system that can adapt to various applications without losing its impact.


DsgnStory's strategic process encompassed the following stages:

Research and Analysis:

DsgnStory conducted a comprehensive analysis of FitGyms' competitors, target audience, and industry trends. This research informed the design team's creative direction, ensuring alignment with FitGyms' goals.

Concept Development:

Building on the insights gained from research, DsgnStory brainstormed multiple concepts, focusing on integrating fitness, innovation, and distinction. The team proposed a dynamic "G" icon as the central element, signifying both fitness movement and growth.

Design Iteration:

DsgnStory refined the "G" icon, employing sleek curves to evoke a sense of motion and progress. The choice of custom typography, featuring clean lines and a bold presence, reinforced the brand's strong and contemporary identity. The color palette—predominantly green with black accents—was carefully selected to symbolize growth, energy, and resilience.

Logo Application:

The finalized "G" icon was seamlessly integrated into the brand's logo, delivering a striking visual impression. The logo's versatility was ensured by creating variations suitable for different contexts, such as digital platforms, signage, and merchandise.

Collateral Design:

DsgnStory extended the new brand identity to various collateral, including business cards, letterheads, brochures, and social media graphics. This consistency bolstered FitGyms' professional image and facilitated brand recognition.

Digital Presence:

DsgnStory revamped FitGyms' website and social media profiles to reflect the brand's fresh identity. The cohesive design language helped establish a memorable online experience for visitors.


The rebranding initiative led by DsgnStory transformed FitGyms' brand identity, yielding remarkable results:

Increased Visibility: The modern and distinctive visual identity attracted attention in a crowded market, enhancing FitGyms' visibility among potential customers.

Enhanced Brand Recognition: The cohesive branding across various touchpoints facilitated easy recognition of the brand.

Positive Customer Perception: The revitalized brand identity conveyed FitGyms' commitment to innovation and quality, resonating positively with existing and potential customers.

Adaptability: The flexible branding system ensured consistency across all applications, from physical spaces to digital platforms.

Market Expansion: The rebranding opened doors to new customer segments, enabling FitGyms to expand its reach and impact.


DsgnStory's collaboration with FitGyms resulted in a successful rebranding journey that breathed new life into the brand's identity. By infusing modernity, differentiation, and cohesion into the visual elements, FitGyms now stands as a dynamic and recognized player in the fitness industry, with a solid foundation for future growth and success.

fitgyms logo color

More by Mehedi Hasan | DsgnStory

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