Day 004 - Credit Card Payment

So day 004 of 100 days UI Challenge by @Paul Flavius Nechita.

In my version I didn't change much. I've added small instructions to help users understand how to fill the form, changed the dropdowns on expiration date to input text to be touch friendly and added the total on the CTA.

The credit card logo would also change based on the inputed credit card number.

And by now if you're following my shots you might have noticed that all shots have the same style, that's right, they have. I'm trying to do this 100 days UI challenge following the same guidelines as the shot before. That's the reality of product design, you have always constraints and have to design around them.

Comments are welcome as long as they are constructive.

And that's it, see you tomorrow.

PS: All shots are going to be done in Sketch so I explore the awesome features this tool offers for UI design.

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Carlos Sousa
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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