Selling Service concept
Hi! This is the concept of a service for the purchase of flying carpets.
It was really challenging design and you can see all stages of the process.
Idea generation & Research
Why do you need a flying carpet? It's faster than a car because carpets don't get stuck in traffic jams. It's inexpensive, no gas costs. And it also allows you to feel like the hero of a fairy tale - this is immediately +100 to the mood.
So I was inspired by a fairy tale about Aladdin and delivery services.
Let's imagine a person interested in buying flying carpets.
I created a user-flow for order publication, safe transaction and the path from product selection to purchase. About the conflict between the customer and the seller, I wrote job stories
UI Kit
I used a shade of violet as the primary color and a yellow and brown shades like sand. I wanted to focus on the easy-to-use functionality. I chose Philosopher and Plus Jacarta Sans as fonts for the website. Philosopher vaguely resembles Arabic script and is perfect for headings. And Plus Jacarta Sans is a fresh take on geometric sans serif styles with high readability.