Visual Design of a Crypto Currency App

Visual designing of one of the capstone projects of Dribble. Trying to achieve easy to use design for an app.

The Problem

The intricacies of cryptocurrency often create confusion and an intimidating atmosphere. Our objective is to develop an app that offers simplicity, enjoyment and accessibility to a diverse user base. Our target audience consists of individuals who aren't necessarily tech-savvy or seasoned crypto experts. Many of them are likely entering the crypto market for the first time, seeking guidance and education to ensure their sense of security and understanding as they navigate this new territory.

The Risks

The cryptocurrency market continues to expand rapidly, showing no signs of slowing down in the near future. Developing this application provides us with the opportunity to enter this dynamic market, carving out a space for ourselves amidst the more intricate crypto apps. This endeavor not only allows us to establish our brand but also empowers us to capture a portion of the market share, thereby opening avenues to expand our services.

The Goal

  1. Streamlined Crypto App.

  2. Effortless Path to Trading.

  3. Simplified Stats Interface.

  4. Comprehensive Beginner-Friendly Tutorials and Insights into Cryptocurrency.

User Persona

User Flow


UI Kit

UI Design

More by Bernard Rozario

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