Puppers - Dog Walking App


Puppers is a project part of the Dribbble’s Product Design Course. Puppers is a mobile app that offers busy dog owners an easy way to find and connect with verified & trusted walkers.I was responsible for conducting user research to identify pain points, and based on the gathered insights, designing and developing the solution mobile app.

Problem Statement

Busy dog owners desire to offer their canine companions with top-quality walking services when they are absent at work.


Designing and developing a reliable and user-friendly app that connects dog owners with the best dog walkers in their area, tailored to provide pet owners with peace of mind by ensuring that they entrust their furry friends with trusted and competent pet caregivers.

Research & Analysis

Once the problem had been defined and project goals had been set, I initiated the next process conducting research and empathizing. I carried out several user interviews that helped uncover critical information for the project, providing deep insights about user needs.

User Persona

Next, I defined the user persona through the collected data.

Then I identified key gain points based on the defined user persona to be addressed in the design phase.

Gain Points

User Flow

This user flow allows users to navigate through the app and explore the available services before making any commitments. Additionally, it provides the feature of keeping track of the dog's activity with a messaging chatroom and an in-built notification system that keeps the users up-to-date with their pet's latest actions.


Then, I began by creating low-fidelity wireframes to develop an initial version of the app. The wireframes aided in testing and validating proposed ideas for potential solutions, with emphasis on a sleek and pragmatic design. The design includes features such as ‘Saves’ and 'Favorites' for personal convenience, a dashboard for ease of use, and inputting dog information upfront to deliver a more personalized and prompt user experience.

Design & Iterate

I transformed the low-fidelity wireframes into high-fidelity mockups, from which I developed a design system before applying the final touches to the design.

The selection of typography, colours, and other visual elements were made to convey a professional and polished look yet retaining a touch of approachability and warmth.

The application of a component and style system guaranteed uniformity and rapid completion of the design process

Style guide

High Fidelity Designs

Prototype & Test

To evaluate the design's efficiency, a dog owner was asked to conduct a search, scrutinize a walker's profile, and schedule a walk. The dog owner successfully accomplished the task, and the overall experience was deemed familiar and straightforward.

Outcome & Results

Developing my first app was a gratifying experience! During the process, I learned valuable skills such as collecting insights, incorporating feedback, and iteratively refining the design to guarantee an optimal user experience.

I am excited about the prospect of designing more products.

Thank you!