GetStream - Empowering streamers and advertisers


Streamers and companies interested in advertising placement.

Get Stream objectives:

To provide advertisers and streamers with a platform where they can submit/take advertising tasks, track their status, and receive analytics.


Create two dashboard views—one for streamers, allowing them to take advertising tasks, track performance statistics, upload task completion confirmations, and another for advertisers, enabling them to create advertising tasks and monitor their execution.


  1. Streamer scenarios:

  • View analytics for their streaming channel.

  • Monitor analytics for tasks, including the number of active campaigns and their progress.

  • Review available advertising tasks, their descriptions, and conditions. Accept or reject task assignments.

  • Upload confirmations for completed tasks if they require product demonstrations.

  • Connect auxiliary services.

  • View their balance and withdraw funds.

  1. Advertiser scenarios:

  • Review overall analytics for advertising campaigns over different time intervals.

  • Stay updated on company news and service updates.

  • Review created task analytics and progress.

  • Create new tasks with the option to select specific streamers or open tasks.

  • Include task details such as description, deadlines, and price for views.

  • Upload advertising materials.

  • Pay for advertising campaigns.

Dashboard for advertiser and strimer

Advertiser task - main screen

On the screen, advertiser can view both general information about all launched advertising campaigns and details about a specific campaign. In the specific advertising campaign view, advertiser can analyze data based on countries, age, and gender, providing valuable insights for advertisers.

Advertiser task - creation

Advertiser task - select streamer

Streamer task - main screen

On the streamer's task screen, streamer can see all available tasks for execution or those already in progress. By expanding a task, streamer can either reject or accept it, as well as view the task conditions.

Streamer task - complete

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