404 Page not Found
DailyUI challenge #8: 404 Page Design
The 404 "Page Not Found" error occurs when a requested webpage cannot be found on the server of a website. It's like becoming lost in a largely digital environment.
Users are greeted with a standardised message informing them that the desired content has gone or was never present. A well-designed 404 page, on the other hand, turns this irritation into an opportunity for creativity. This error serves as a reminder that, even amid the wide expanse of the internet, a little ingenuity may convert a dead end into an unexpected diversion, guaranteeing a more memorable online excursion.
One of the most interesting pages to design as a challenge. It was fun designing this page.
Your feedback will help me enhance my design sense. Please provide me with genuine feedback.
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Illustration Attribute:
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/curiosity-search-concept-illustration_30576701.htm#query=search&position=2&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by storyset</a> on Freepik