
Earlier this month, our product (Tinypass) merged with our chief rivals, Piano Media and Press+. The resulting company is simply Piano (piano.io) It's been exciting, and as any merger goes, frenetic and whirlwindy. What started as a 5-man NY company grew to triple that size, and overnight is now a global product platform with 100+ employees.

We were already knee-deep in building (and nearly releasing) our entirely new software lineup — so rebranding this new company can be described as both a sprint and a marathon. I spent three weeks designing a new brand and identity system to 'cover our bases' — to declare who we are, figure out who and what 'Piano' is, what it looks like, how it extends across everything we do, etc. Enough ground work so that we could at least represent ourselves while the larger redesign effort continues.

This is a snippet of the new brand platform and some of the process behind it. The vast majority of this stuff won't hit for a while, and when it does, it'll hit our product first, before trickling outwards towards the marketing end of things.

I'm super stoked to share more of this new work soon.

More by Josh Rhode

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