Avatars for Teens

Avatars for a Web for Kids & Teenagers

I've always found joy in my work, but this project was something else. A client came with a request: avatars for a platform helping teenagers in Estonia find local events and youth centers.

We had a mission, our primary target—kids aged 12 to 16. The avatars should capture their hobbies, their looks, their individuality. The goal? Banger avatars, nothing less. 💫

User Research

Even avatars could use some user research. It took a mix of interviews with the coolest kids and seasoned youth workers, scrolling on Snapchat and Shein (can't say that was particularly helpful, but hey, worth a try). I also found myself creating custom avatars for every popular website and app that provides them, like a true super user. But that gave me solid overview of what's done on the market.

All that knowledge then poured into Figma and 40 different looks were created.

A tip for anyone looking to do something similar: give users options to customize if you can. I see why many platforms have taken this direction.

It was an exciting journey, truly. If you're interested in following along and seeing more of our UI, illustrations, and UX case studies, give me a follow.

Looking for vector based illustrations or cute avatars like these?

Contact me at laura@experiencedesign.ee

Laura Ader
Sr. Product Designer

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