Virtual Art Museum App

I developed a concept for an art museum app, catering to a diverse range of user experiences for users at home and at the museum. The primary focus of this project was to transform the traditional museum tour experience by enlightening and exciting users with engaging content to replace outdated audioguides. Additionally, I incorporated an intuitive map for users to effortlessly navigate the museum's collection while still able to see snapshot details about the art they are most interested in.

Some of the key features:

  • An interactive map that traces the users' location and can recommend art near them to learn about

  • Guided tours users can use - ranging from the highlights of the museum to curated tours

  • Ability to search for key landmarks such as family bathrooms, elevators for accessibility, and cafes

  • Ability to craft a Pinterest-type board of art the user likes in the museum's collections

  • And more

Let me know what you think, and feel free to leave feedback in the comments, especially if it's constructive.

Seeking help for a project?

I'm actively seeking freelance opportunities to apply my UX expertise and problem-solving skills. If you have a project in mind that could benefit from a user-centered approach, don't hesitate to contact me. Let's turn your ideas into reality. Reach out to me at

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