Easy Diner

To compliment the 28 Day Branding Illustration Challenge, Inkygoodness hosted three Branding Illustration Masterclasses with leading illustrators Christopher De Lorenzo, Maïté Franchi and Hedof.

As part of the challenge, each illustrator set us a bonus brief for the Illustrator Mentorship Awards. 1st prize for each, a 1:1 mentoring session with the masterclass illustrator.

This was my entry for Christopher De Lorenzo’s mural brief. The task was to design a mural taking inspiration from the spot illustrations we had already created for the plant-based food brand, and create an engaging mural for their restaurant wall.

Christopher encouraged us to inject our own voice into the artwork, and think beyond the client ask. The mural should aim to be 60% our own interests and 40% brand led.

With that in mind, I really dialled up the influence of 60s/70s pop culture that informs my work. My character sits on a 60s Denver Chopper motorcycle, that is powered by a plant burger in place of a front wheel. The idea being that this is a serious food product, not merely a meat imitation, but a substantial, nutritious meat replacement that packs a punch. Products made with power plants!

Incredibly, this piece landed me 1st prize in the category, and an opportunity to sit down and chat with the man himself.

Please scroll for sketch and mockup 👇





You can follow more of my work on IG – https://www.instagram.com/alltomorrowspixels/

For more on Inkygoodness - http://inkygoodness.com/

For more on Inkygoodness Collective - https://www.instagram.com/inkygoodnesscollective/

For more on Christopher De Lorenzo - https://www.instagram.com/chrisdelorenzo



Rick Hyde
Illustrator • Animator • Designer • MCR UK

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