Personal Portfolio

A Small Problem

Over the past month, I have been filling out dozens of applications in pursuit of finding new work with my internship coming to an end. And every time the question “what is your portfolio url?” comes around, it’s been complicated because I don’t have all my work in one place. I use Behance as a portfolio for my graphic design and photo work, and Dribbble for my UI/UX work.

A Simple Solution

I decided it was finally time to put the hours into making a website so everything could be in one place. With the time crunch I was in, needing to put effort into searching for jobs, I wanted to make something simple, yet effective.

Long story short, I designed a website landing page that points out to my areas of work, alongside a few featured projects and points of contact. I designed the website myself in Figma, and then built it out using Webflow. I’m using GitHub to host the website with a custom domain. It’s a small but noteworthy project!

Check it out!

A fun touch to the design is the clean animations. You should check it out live at

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