Max Burgers AI Art Direction & Instagram post

All images are generated using Midjourney, then upscaled and applied some simpler depth-maps in After Effects to get some interesting motion. All UI is then applied in Figma for the final layout.What would days, if not weeks, to produce something similar with conventional 3D software, took me a couple of hours in an afternoon.

What do you think, Yay, or nay for AI food photography in the future?

All images are generated using Midjourney, then upscaled and I had depth maps applied to the visuals in After Effects to get some interesting motion.

All UI is was as the last step crafted in Figma for the final layout.

What would days, if not weeks, to produce something similar with conventional 3D software, took me a couple of hours in an afternoon.

What do you think, Yay, or nay for AI food photography in the future?

Billy Boman
UX/UI & Product Designer

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