Astrology Logo
Concept Hexagram
The six-pointed star signifies spiritual forces in diverse forms. When combined with a circle and triangles it signifies wholeness in the universe.
Vedic Prosperity is a one-stop destination to offer divine & spiritual solutions for all the problems in the universe.
Concept Lotus+Universe
Lotus signifies the birth of the universe and the planets and stars orbiting around represent that universe. This logo makes Vedic Prosperity one with the universe and thus can solve any problem that may come.
Concept Mandala+Sun
Mandalas are spiritual and ritual and represent the idea of the universe and the idea that life is never ending and everything is connected.
The vibrant sunrays in a madalic view are Vedic Prosperity and we represent brightness, and prosperity & the planets that orbit around the sun are our ability to read and universe and & it’s significance.