
2023 Interpretation of Sauron, by DVK.

My goal with this piece was to capture the essence of both contemporary Zeitgeist and traditional elements, drawing inspiration from my deep admiration for Tolkien's universe. It provided the perfect canvas to showcase the quality of the upscaling method I've developed.

Originally, I had planned to depict Melkor, but since I had already done so in the past, I decided to explore the character of Sauron instead. Sauron, being Melkor's pupil and a central figure in the stories, offered a captivating challenge for my reinterpretation.

Tolkien's influence extends beyond his literary works, and his connection to Denmark has been on my mind lately. Fascinatingly, he had a strong affinity for Denmark and even included references to Danish places in his books. One notable example is Helm's Deep (featured in the second movie of the Fellowship Trilogy), which finds its roots in a real place in Denmark with a history of rebellion.

As an artist, I find myself intrigued by stories revolving around artists and their creative processes. Tolkien himself once held a competition for artists to visualize his work, which sparked my imagination. Drawing from his legacy, I embarked on my artistic journey of reinterpreting Sauron.

In this piece, I employed this upscaling method that I developed, utilizing both AI and GAN to breathe new life into the artwork. After the upscaling process, I dedicated numerous hours to meticulously paint in intricate details myself. This blend of technology and traditional craftsmanship allowed me to bring forth my vision of Sauron, encapsulating the spirit of the contemporary era while retaining the essence of Tolkien's timeless storytelling.

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