Stomach Diary

So, you know what's exciting? We got to team up with Dietz & Consorten to create a cool web app just for horse owners. The goal? Make tracking their horse's health over six weeks a piece of cake and sharing this info with vets even easier.

Now, we faced a couple of hurdles. For one, we needed to make this app user-friendly, fully functional, and offline-friendly – because hey, not every stable has Wi-Fi, right? Plus, we had to figure out a way for owners to collect and share their horse's health data digitally.

Here's what we did. We created a great-looking, easy-to-use app that works online and offline. And to gather health data? We developed a simple questionnaire that can be shared with vets as an HTML document or PDF.

Our hard work paid off! Horse owners love the app and it’s making communication with vets much more straightforward. We're super proud of this project and how it's helping improve horse health around the world. High hooves all round!

Check it out: 🔗

Web design and animation studio 🚀

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