Skoda Plichta
500 leads per month for a car dealer
Škoda Plichta is a Skoda car dealer with showrooms located in the Tri-City and Toruń, which ranks high in the rankings of the best car dealers in Poland. The client wanted to acquire telephone and e-mail contacts for people interested in buying the specific car models on offer.
In order to effectively acquire leads, we have designed an intuitive, easy-to-fill contact form, through which, in addition to basic data, we also obtain information on the preferences of people looking for specific car models. Through integration with the Zapier tool, contacts collected during a Lead Ads campaign go directly to our client in real time, enabling them to contact those interested in buying a car in a short period of time. An effectively designed campaign implemented in the Facebook area allows us to obtain an average of 50% of all leads from this channel.
Success in the form of generating quality leads, is the result of a properly designed sales funnel, which we fill with effective activities in various areas of digital. Through Facebook Ads campaigns and those implemented in the Google Ads advertising and search network, we continuously increase traffic to the client's website or lead users to a Landing Page prepared for the campaign. In our activities, we make use of non-standard and similar audiences in order to regularly reach more and more potential buyers and, ultimately, provide the client with data that enables them to meet their sales targets.
All the actions we take are supported by well-developed website analytics, and we regularly inform our client of the results of our actions in accordance with the principle of transparency that guides us in our daily activities. We constantly verify the groups of recipients, the paths of visitors to the site and study all the conversions that occur, in order to regularly optimise our actions and select those tools that will allow us to deliver hundreds of leads to the client every month.