Alarm-Cop (Work in progress)
This is my third serious project, but first when it comes to UX Research. I have started designing this application during my UX/UI Course at Software Development Academy and I am still working on it. The best feature of this application is the possibility to add specific bus time schedule, which application will save and remind an user (in time intervals) when does the bus leave. English version of UX research will be added soon.
Competition analysis.
I have started with analysing my competition, before creating such application like an alarm. I had to look closely into different applications and find theirs weak and strong sides. This helped me to imagine in which area my application could be stronger and beat it's competition.
Creating a proto-persona.
Then I had to create my proto-persona, which helped me understand a user's needs. It also allowed me to imagine how a specific alarm application would fulfill my character's needs and goals.
Plan and features.
After creating a proto-persona I could ask myself:
is the application different from the competition?
what features does it have?
what is the main user flow of my application?
how am i going to make money on the app?
And I could answer these questions.
Look and Feel.
Before I started designing, I had to think about what impressions I want to evoke in users and with which visual features I can achieve it.
Moodboard and UI Kit
After a research I started designing. My first step was focused on creating a Moodboard, Fonts (styles), Colours (styles) and initial UI Kit.
Then I started creating my wireframes to build an initial structure of my application.
At the very end I could design my High-Fidelity project and prototype. Everything I have done ealier allowed me to start and polish my final work (which is still Work In Progress).
Thank you for your time. If you have any tips for me - feel free to contact me.
Wojciech Wilowski.