Origin Blood, a hard rock band from Sweden, approached us for help in creating a strong brand identity that would help them stand out from the crowd. They wanted a logo and CD cover that would convey their energetic and powerful music style.

We started by discussing their vision and wishes to create a logo that was tailored to their needs. After several meetings and collaborations with the band members, we created a logo that was both simple and iconic. It featured strong typefaces and geometric shapes that conveyed the band's raw and powerful image.

Then we moved on to creating the CD cover, where we wanted to capture the raw energy and attitude of the band in the form of graphic design. We used strong colors, abstract shapes and a tough typography to convey the band's unique sound and style.

The result was a logo and CD cover tailored to Origin Blood's needs and wishes. They were very happy with the result and were able to immediately use the new logo and the new CD cover in all their marketing.

We are proud to have helped Origin Blood enhance their brand identity and help them stand out from the competition. Our team of experienced designers always work closely with our clients to create unique and customized solutions that really stand out from the crowd. Whether you're a band or a company, we can help you create a strong brand identity that truly represents your unique style and vision.