Parable Book App

Project Overview:

Parable is a mobile application that will serve as a book logging platform with an integrated book club feature. The app's primary goal is to provide users with a convenient and engaging way to track their reading progress, discover new books, and connect with other book enthusiasts. The book club feature aims to foster a sense of community and facilitate discussions among users.

Target Audience:

The target audience for the app includes avid readers of various genres, book club members, and individuals interested in joining or starting book clubs. The app should appeal to users of different age groups, backgrounds, and reading preferences.

Key Features:

  1. Book Logging: Develop a user-friendly interface for logging and managing book collections, including options to add books manually or import from online sources like Goodreads or ISBN scanning.

  2. Reading Progress Tracking: Enable users to track their reading progress, including pages read, time spent, and setting personal reading goals.

  3. Book Recommendations: Implement a recommendation system that suggests books based on user preferences, previously read books, and the collective data from the book club.

  4. Book Club Feature: Create a platform for users to join or create book clubs, allowing members to discuss books, share recommendations, and schedule meetings or virtual events.

  5. Discussion Forums: Provide a space for book club members to engage in discussions, post reviews, ask questions, and share thoughts on specific books or broader literary topics.

  6. Social Integration: Integrate social media sharing capabilities, allowing users to share their reading progress, favorite quotes, or book recommendations with their friends and followers.

  7. Notifications and Reminders: Implement push notifications to remind users about upcoming book club meetings, book releases, or reading goal deadlines.

Dashboard & Bookshelf Screens

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Posted on Aug 1, 2023

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