Warhammer 40k "Adeptus Tutorum" Learning App UI & Art Direction

Embark on a journey of knowledge and power with "Adeptus Tutorum: 40K Edition" – the ultimate Warhammer 40,000 learning app! Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of the 41st millennium as you delve into the secrets of Space Marines, immerse yourself in the lore of iconic factions, master the art of strategic warfare and explore the depths of the dark universe to the glorious tales of legendary heroes of Warhammer 40K.

Factions: Blood Angels

The Blood Angels are a revered faction of Space Marines within the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Known for their noble demeanor and warrior prowess, they hail from the gene-seed of the Primarch Sanguinius, who embodied a noble and compassionate spirit.

The culture of the Blood Angels is one of nobility, honour, and deep reverence for their fallen Primarch, Sanguinius. They are known for their artistic pursuits, embracing painting, sculpture, and poetry as a means of preserving the memory of their illustrious history. As warriors, they are bound by a strong brotherhood, fostering unbreakable bonds with each other and their Primarch's legacy.

The Blood Angels were forced to face their greatest challenge when their Primarch, Sanguinius, was slain by the traitor Horus. This tragic loss left an indelible mark on the chapter, and they have since grappled with the Flaw, a genetic curse that instills a savage thirst for blood in some of their warriors.

Factions: Space Wolves

The Space Wolves are a formidable faction of Space Marines in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, known for their fierce loyalty, prowess in battle, and deep connection to their primal and tribal roots. Hailing from the gene-seed of the legendary Primarch Leman Russ, the Space Wolves are distinguished by their savage combat style and their wolf-themed iconography

The Space Wolves rich culture revolves around a brotherhood of warriors, forging unbreakable bonds with the legendary Fenrisian Wolves that roam their icy homeworld. Explore the Space Wolves faction and uncover the heroic tales and ancient traditions - delving into their warrior codes, ferocious battles & their role in defending humanity against the dark threats of the 41st millennium.

Factions: Ultra Marines

The Ultramarines stand as one of the most renowned and revered factions of Space Marines in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Led by the legendary Primarch Roboute Guilliman, they epitomize the ideals of discipline, honor, and strategic brilliance. Hailing from the gene-seed of Guilliman, the Ultramarines are known for their iconic blue armor and unwavering dedication to the Imperium of Man

Faction: Dark Angels

The Dark Angels are a enigmatic and secretive faction of Space Marines in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, shrouded in mystery and steeped in a dark history. Descendants of the Primarch Lion El'Jonson, they bear the weight of an ancient betrayal that still haunts them to this day. Clad in black and green armor, the Dark Angels are known for their strategic cunning and unwavering loyalty to the Imperium of Man

Billy Boman
UX/UI & Product Designer

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