Bitpanda Illustration redesign

Redefining Illustration Style

The rebranding project for Bitpanda was a strategic initiative aimed at modernizing and refreshing the brand's identity to stand out in a highly competitive market.


The primary goal of this design project was to create an entirely new illustration style that could effectively communicate the brand's unique personality, value propositions, and brand essence.

Research and Discovery:

Before diving into the design process, I conducted market research and competitor analysis to gain insights into the current illustration trends within the industry.

After analyzing the market, the observation was that competitors were heavily focused on employing 3D illustrations as a central part of their visual identities. By deviating from the 3D-focused approach, the new concept was to develop a 2D style set within a 3D space. By integrating elements of depth and perspective into the 2D illustrations, the brand's design acquired a quality that was both different and captivating. This approach elevated the brand's visual communication and strengthened its competitive position in the market, fostering stronger brand recognition.

Basic assets

Further development tailored to blog posts.


Additional visual elements.

Gif animations to be used on Instagram.

Art direction: Andrea Szabó

Motion Graphics: Andrea Szabó

Illustrations: Andrea Szabó, Ju Rathmayr

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