Designed file naming

Design can also be applied to your files, I'm always surprised how little thought is put into this. I'm sure anyone reading this has a file called 'projectFinal_final2_final_copy7.psd' but it doesn't have to be this way.

A mix of backwards dates (YYYY-MM-DD) means day and month don't get confused when working across UK/US and helps with versions and searching; A predictable folder structure helps the business people/non geeks find files; A clear project name and format description give a hint of whats inside and version numbers and archive folders mean its easy to find the most up to date file as well as being able to go back in time when something has gone wrong.

This sort of structure has worked for me on motion and web projects for a number of years now, its always been more robust than any agency or group I've worked with too.

Hope you find this helpful.

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