Seamless Repeat Pattern 80

Although there are only few types of squares as motif in this pattern, it is competing head to head with the textured floral (talking about the previous post) for the favorite spot in my heart. I love how playful the overall pattern has turned out. And I am only at this point.

While I was creating this one, another pattern idea (in a sense, can be considered its twin) has popped. Soon it is going to see the daylight.

Single pattern no. 80! Wow!! I am crossing 80. It’s not that I don’t want to create collection. For me, pattern collection is similar to try to write a novel. I feel like I am not quite there yet. Independent patterns are like little stories. Going through story by story seems like working best for me.

Likes and comments are all welcomed. ❤                        

For more color variations, you are welcome to visit my Instagram account:

I usually publish all the color variations there.                            

Have a project that you think we can collaborate and co-create? I am available for collaboration. To reach out, here’s my email:


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