Medhat - Medical Healthcare Mobile App

Hello!/Hey there folks!/Hi everyone,

📱 Sharing Medchat doctor details, consult method, and payment method select screens. Medhat is a medical consulting app that helps users find and book appointments with doctors.

I have designed these screens for learning purposes and to improve my UI skill and design thinking process experience. 🩺📲

🎨 Solution/ The Solution

I have addressed numerous significant issues with the user experience and oper

ation of the programme with the doctor details, consult methods, and payment m

ethod selection screens in Medchat.The following are the main concerns I have a


  • Doctor details: By including a screen for listing doctor information, you've made

    sure that consumers can obtain crucial facts regarding the medical specialists

    that are listed on the site.Name, specialisation, credentials, experience, and

    potentially ratings or evaluations from prior patients might all be included in this

    data.Now that users may choose the doctor who best meets their needs, the

    platform is more trustworthy and credible.

  • Consult Methods: By implementing a screen for consult methods, users may

    pick the form of consultation they like to have with the chosen doctor. This could involve alternatives like in-messaging, video call, or even consultations

    conducted via chat.I can accommodate varied user preferences and make

    it easier for them toobtain medical advice and care depending on their unique

    needs and comfort

    levels by providing a variety of consult options.

  • Payment Method Selection: The Medchat application's integration of a

    payment method selection screen simplifies the process of paying for medical

    consultations or services.Users may safely enter their payment information and

    select from a variety of payment methods, including credit cards and paypal.

    By removing any obstacles that would deter people from obtaining medical help

    this provides a simple and effective payment experience.

Overall, the doctor details, consult methods, and payment method selection screens contribute to an improved user experience, foster trust and credibility, and ensure that Medchat meets the diverse needs of its users effectively.

Next screens upcoming...........

How did I work?

  • I overhauled the user experience on primary flows.

  • I designed the platform from the smallest atom to the most complex organism.

The Services I provide

  • UX research

  • Product research

  • Product design

  • UX&UI design for web and mobile

  • Interaction design and prototyping

Contact me

I am available for remote jobs, desk jobs, or freelance projects. If you have a project idea, then you can contact me using the below contact information:

📩 E-Mail:

📤 WhatsApp Link:

📤 Discord link:

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