Emoji hands

Got asked to work on some emoji hands for an app that i already used before they even emailed me, that was pretty neat! It's a good app and it's called Annotate and it's made by driftt and i use it on my phone and on my computer! You can get it here https://itunes.apple.com/app/id994933038 but you don't have to!

They also had this super party where they printed them out for the danger booth and made silly pictures with them you can see a picture here http://photos.thedangerbooth.com/grounds-for-eviction-party-by-driftt/?pid=222467741&id=107

ANYWAY thought you'd like to see some hands!

sincerely, regards,best,withoutregret,

Kirk! Wallace
Constantly Comissioned Independent Commercial Art Studio. 🌙
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