Plume Earth

The Project: 3D globe animation

Plume asked us to create an animated globe to help announce their 20 million active households milestone. The globe was utilized for a variety of creative, including as a homepage takeover on

This was a 3D motion graphics and animation project.

Read the official announcement


“There’s a big difference between design doers and design thinkers and the folks at Pono are definitely the latter. At Plume, we turn to Pono to help solve problems using design as their toolbox. They have been true partners in every sense of the word and feel like an invaluable extension of our Marketing team. We can always trust that from the first draft, they will exceed our expectations.”

Terri Falvey, Director of Content Marketing, Plume


Plume is the creator of the world's first Smart Home Services platform that delivers fast and reliable WiFi, security, and privacy throughout your home. 

B2B/Communications Service Providers:



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