BODYGO Sports Wear Visual Identity: Wearing Freedom and Strength


BODYGO founded in Los Angeles and is a fashion brand that promotes the vitality of life and seamlessly integrates sports into everyday living. We emphasize comfort and the quality of our garments. Simultaneously, we maintain authenticity and purity in our designs, focusing on everyday functionality, with a touch of informality for added comfort. Our goal is to resonate with consumers through the concept of dressing comfortably and moving freely, coupled with a design tone that exudes intellect, ease, and composure.

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Regarding color schemes, urban professional women are our target audience. We have chosen the macaron colors that the target like to create a fresh and approachable atmosphere, cultivating a laid-back and relaxed ambiance. We avoid excessive abstract artistic expressions and instead, utilize the fusion and collision of laid-back colors to expand the brand's influence.

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