Pieter Staaks, personal logo
Hi there, this is my first post to Dribbble! I had the ability to upload for some time now, but I was in doubt of what I should upload first.. I still don't know, haha! So I figured let's get personal directly, this is my own logo created by myself.
The feather is for multiple reasons such as: Writing, coding, older version of Photoshop which had a feather (for those that don't know), drawing, sketching, creative asset. The last 3 is what I would find suiting.
The letter P, might seen obvious but that has of course to do with my first name.
Picked a serif font and combined with couple elements of other fonts. The feather goes with some negative space through the P which I like. General feeling of the logo is on the premium side of things. Would love to see what all you guys say, suggest and tips to be more active in and around Dribbble.