Wang - Financial Tracking Mobile App

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Good day to y'all! 🌼

Proud to share my latest exploration for Wang - Financial Tracking Mobile App.

This shot covers the first 3 screens which are:

  1. Home Screen where you can find your e-wallets balance, action menus and your recent transactions

  2. Analytics, for you who is curious about your income, expenses and how much do you save this month

  3. QR Payment, which is simply for you to pay your needs with QR Code or sending money to your family and friends.

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Mostly Indonesian people have more than 1 e-wallet account and lost count how much they have spent in this day or week. What if there is one mobile app that can store more than 3 e-wallet accounts and tracks your spending?

Meet Wang your financial pal, that can track your income and expenses in weeks, months even years; shopping groceries or just sending money to your family and friends. Seamlessly manage your e-wallets with Wang, allowing you to manage your money anytime anywhere.

Simply scroll down to see the mockup previews 👇

Mockup view 👀


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