The project is intended to reflect part of the responsibilities of the Graphics and Motion Designer role at FT9ja.


The goal was to redesign the Motion Graphics work for a Financial app, with a trending Motion Graphics style.


Building something visually appealing to watch, while drawing the viewer's attention to the most important aspect, the product on the mobile phone screen.


Stage 1 (Idea sketching)

A rough work of the concept, with sketched out illustrations of the sequence.

Stage 2 (Mockup Design)

A cleaner Graphics representation of the Motion work.

Stage 3 (User Interface (UI) Design)

Recreating the app's User Interface to be displayed on the mobile screen.

Stage 4 (Motion Graphics Design)

Creating the high-fidelity work with colours and shapes to represent what was planned out in stage 1 to 2.


Working on this was quite interesting and challenging due to what it was to portray, a financial app, but I'm glad I was able to pull it off. Taking on this project has helped bring in some of the skills I've acquired over the Years (sketching, illustration, Graphics Design, Product Design, Motion Graphics) into one project, and I believe I can help bring to life digital products and ideas to potential buyers and investors through these skills.

Posted on Jul 21, 2023

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