Volvo Polestar 2 - AI Art Direction & UI Design

This project explored the synergy between Digital Art Direction and the essence of Scandinavian nature and minimalism, creating a seamless digital experience for automotive enthusiasts.

With Volvo Polestar 2 as the canvas, I embarked on a creative journey to infuse the design with the timeless beauty of Scandinavian landscapes and the simplicity of minimalism. By meticulously studying the region's breathtaking natural elements, I harnessed the power of Digital Art Direction to craft a visual narrative that pays homage to the harmony between man and nature.

The result is a minimal user interface that elegantly fuses the cutting-edge features of Polestar 2 with the serene aesthetics inspired by the picturesque Scandinavian backdrop.

This project is a testament to the captivating possibilities of uniting technology, artistry, and the essence of nature into a single digital masterpiece.

Billy Boman
UX/UI & Product Designer

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