Feature in 'Artist Close-up'

As it says at the top, this was a feature of me and my work in Artists Close-up. I don't really consider myself an artist, I am a designer, people do describe me as 'multidisciplinary' as I make art for me as therapy, my description is't as nice as it says above. When I go to the art part of my thinking to create art for me I get immersed in sadness, I have had a mixed life and when I make art I go to the dark and sad points of my life (which are not nice) which partly caused me to walk away from art in the first place. When I began my design journey a year ago, because of my previous degree in Art, I did find it hard to break away from the Artist label. When I was at Art College, I had a feeling that I was on the wrong course so twenty years year I went on the Graphic Design course and it was the best decision, it open up my creativity and practice on so many different level.

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