Pooky.gg - Gameweeks

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Introducing Gameweeks

Direction: Jonathan Dury

UX: Miklos Steklacs

UI: Jonathan Dury & Pedro Fradique

Here's what you need to know:

We will be moving away from pre-defined reward pools per matchday and move to variable reward pools per Gameweek. The new Gameweek Pool will start at Approx 4,000 MATIC and 210k POK. Then, as Pookyballs sell each week, this Gameweek Pool will continue to grow.

The amount of prestige in a given matchday will determine the matchday reward pool. So, the more players with high rarity Pookyballs there are in a matchday, the more rewards there are to win. This is the variable element of the rewards pool.

So, get ready to level up your strategy and take more risks for even bigger rewards.


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