Headspace Video Concepts

As a creative strategist working at Liftoff, I was regularly requested to brainstorm and present new video concepts to our customers that leveraged our data-driven best practices while maintaining the look and feel of the customer app's brand and voice.

Headspace app - Cabin Downpour Soundscape screen

From our initial testing, we discovered that a particular video that Headspace provided using the "Cabin Downpour" soundscape within their app performed well. And as a general best practice, we knew that videos that explored the app or gave a basic walkthrough of an actual in-app experience were strong performers for most of our clients.

I worked with the motion team to create a hybrid video that introduces the soundscape section of the app, shows off all the available options, and ends with playing the "Cabin Downpour" soundscape that performed strongest in previous testing. Here is the video:

In the test below, I discovered that the HTML ad that featured a scrolling menu of different areas to explore within the app worked better than a carousel of app store images. We often leveraged testing data we discovered in other formats (In this case, HTML Interstitial ad) to inform creative concepts for video.

The Headspace ad featuring a menu of different sections to explore in the app has a 99% ITI lift

I fleshed out this concept to create a video walkthrough that begins with the menu imagery that tested well and continues to walkthrough how to get to a beginning meditation, something a new user might actually do:

The Headspace team approved of these concepts and I quickly added it to their rotation of UA videos.

Samson Lee
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