Website Development from Scratch - Beauty & Cosmetics

Goals of the project:

🔸Create a professional website with new branding and tone of voice 🔸Optimize the website for Google Search Console

🔸Achieved Top position on Google search organic results through SEO

🔸 Implement visual content

Medpak Solutions is a newly bought company doing business as Biddiscombe International with a long history in developing and manufacturing skin care products. They are also certified by Organic Certifiers of Ventura CA as an organic manufacturing facility under the National Organic Program. And are the only formulator of spray tan solutions certified under the prestigious ECOCERT organic standard.‍

As a skincare enthusiast myself, this project caught my attention with all the potential for user and market research I could do for my client. And also the urge to help them create an online presence that is fresh, clear, clean, minimalistic and user-friendly.

Medpak Solutions website on all three screen sizes

Problem Statement

Starting from zero means focusing on your brand awareness and online presence to build trust and show off your portfolio. This means a website is the first place users review their potential service providers or partners. For Medpak Solutions, the problem was the multiple websites under the same business name, which didn't provide a clear picture of what Medpak Solutions is.

The Goal

The goal of the collaboration was to create a strategic website where future partners of Medpak Solutions can effortlessly review their services and certifications and contact them directly for partnership. Clear messaging and conversion were the main two priorities.

Check the full case study here.

More by Nikoleta Angelova

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