Movie Poster Project //

P's Version of The Shining - c. Spring 2022

Medium: Illustrator / Photoshop Timeline

About this piece...

Prompt: Choose a movie and pick a section of dialogue. Use the dialogue to create a visually compelling poster. Then use Photoshop timeline to create a simple animation to complement the poster.

Created in: ART.2611 Typography 1 at University of Tennessee - Chattanooga.

My notes: The Shining is a cult classic horror film that I just love. I experimented with different themes, but I was really attracted to how Jack unravels throughout the movie and loses his sanity. I tried to compel this idea through the repetition of the famous line, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" in the background of the poster and as a focal point in the 2nd half of the video. Oh, and don't forget the blood, lots of blood.

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