Eglitis & Partners — Legal Translations Bureau Services Website


Just take a look at this mammoth sh… I mean, mammoth! I made this website in 2015 and still can share it with you. Ehh, I was so young, everything was so bright and easy. Yeah, it’s again out of date same as some of my shots, but before showing you the new stuff I need to drop out all these old ones. Or should I? Anyways, here’s an old site of one tiny cozy translation bureau.

Hit 'L' or 'D', or 'Esc', or not, I don't care, it's up to you, see ya.

Roles in Project: Branding, Web Design

Product Page:


↑ Welcome page with slider


↑ Important section with subslider


↑ Services and price calculator


↑ Map!


↑ Quick order landing

Maxim Fomchenkov
I turn ideas into holistic, simple & functional products

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