The Future of Food Poster Designs
This is The Future of Food!
These are bunch of posters I made for a series of talks at the NC State University Libraries on what food and sustainable eating will look like in the future. The real challenge with this one was thinking about how to get people excited about these talks, since genetically modified food can a bit of a controversial topic. My thoughts were to lean into a fun design that grabbed people's attention, that way, maybe they would consider having an open dialogue about the future of food - or at least be curious about it.
The first three, which are Meat 2.0, Near-future Prospects, and the Extreme Possibilities of Genetic Engineering, needed to be very visually consistent as they all related back to genetically engineered foods. I kept them bright and energetic to be consistent with my design concept surrounding fun.
The color palette was meant to be playful and fun in order to reflect a positive outlook for the future of food while remaining related to the library's usual branding. For the last poster, Edible Insects, the design needed to be related yet distinct from the rest, since the topic deviated from genetic engineering. I achieved this using darker shades of the palette I had already come up with.