Istanbul Kazlicesme Art Gallery Website UI & Design System.
In 2020, I undertook the task of designing the website and creating a design system for Kazlıçeşme Art Gallery, a prestigious gallery in Istanbul. The goal of this project was to develop a system that is highly flexible, easy to understand, and allows for easy editing. However, a significant problem arose due to Figma's long-standing 'Override Limitation' issue, which has not been addressed for years. To overcome this challenge, I had to resort to using additional components for intermediate stages. Nevertheless, I am pleased with the outcome of both the website design and the design system, as they turned out as intended. Throughout this process, Katalist's project management and the systematic and dedicated work of the developers greatly facilitated my work. Below, I am sharing one pattern from this extensive system to demonstrate the outcome.
The most important aspect I focused on while creating the design system was to identify all the data types to be used and explore their variations in advance. This allowed me to simulate the data that would appear on the website while conceptualizing my system and presenting it in the design.
After establishing the foundational design elements, I constructed functional component patterns using these elements and made an effort to complete the design patterns with other components that utilized them. As a result, I was able to create a chain-like relationship that facilitated easy editing and comprehension by separating functional layout variations and aesthetic variations for a design module.