Wawk Dog-walking App


This process helped familiarize me with the expectations and desires of the target audience using 3 steps:

1. Interviews with dog owners and walkers.

2. Identify user pain points with competing apps.

3. Analyze competitors to understand the market and find ways to differentiate this product.


This stage helped conceptualize our target audience’s personas using qualitative and quantitative research, and by identifying the owners’ and walkers’ biggest frustrations and needs.


I crafted an onboarding flow based on the two personas' needs. It's simple but it meets the business goals and user goals. This flow shows the log-in and sign-up process for a brand-new user.


Building on the user flow, I created the wireframe for the same login process.

Style Guide & Design System

I then created a moodboard as inspiration for the design process. I designed a logo, with an accompanying color palette, type system, and brand patterns. Based on the style guide, I made components to finalize the visual design.

Prototype & Test

Finally, the prototyping process allowed me to create interactive flows that explore how a user may interact with my designs.