Averni Brands Wordpress Blog Template

This programming project was quite an undertaking. The project was born from an obsession I developed for highly stylized and animated content that also maxes out on Google's PageSpeed Insights, notorious for being the most unforgiving speed test. The project is used in practice on Averni's Blog

Impossibly fast PageSpeed Insights scores, sitewide!

Building a feature-rich website from the ground up with speed in mind

Unless you go out of your way to hand code your entire website on top of Wordpress, you can expect a 0-70% score on PageSpeed Insights. Well, I did just that. Initially using Gutenberg FSE, I got tired of scoring 80%+, so I switched my Wordpress site to Livecanvas, allowing users to build their sites using Bootstrap and SCSS instead of the typical sluggish no-code builders.

On top of using Livecanvas, pages with heavy javascript wait until the page loads so that the user is not waiting for the core content to load.

More by Garrett Chisholm

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